815 posts:


The only time I'm signed into Google is for YouTube and I have that open in a specific Firefox Container tab.

Personally don’t see much use for these cloud IDEs as I already run Linux and have a decent desktop machine. One use case I could see is enabling folks without Apple hardware to do iOS/Mac development but none of them seem to have Mac hosts. I’m aware that Apple places certain restrictions on Mac VMs, so maybe it’s not possible. Feels like a gap in the market if it is though.
P.S. I’m aware of Mac Stadium, EC2 Macs etc. no need to point them out.

Sick of those annoying Sign in with Google pop-ups (I never want to sign in with Google)? Here is some Stylus #CSS to hide them.
Note that it uses the :has
selector, which is not on by default in Firefox yet. Enable by toggling layout.css.has-selector.enabled
(the usual caveats about poking around in about:config
apply). #degoogle

#RetroComputing #VintageMac

Wildebeest runs on top Cloudflare's Supercloud, uses Workers and Pages, the D1 database to store metadata and configurations, Zero Trust Access to handle authentication and Images for media handling.” https://github.com/cloudflare/wildebeest

Today I found out about Discmaster. A project where some folks have indexed a bunch of old data on the internet archive. Curious I searched for wesley and sure enough there it is from an old MacPower magazine disc. http://discmaster.textfiles.com/view/10325/MACPOWER-1995-12.ISO.7z/MACPOWER-1995-12.ISO/AMUG/music/SndSampler%202.0%20folder/SndSampler%EF%BD%AA%20%EF%BE%84/Icon%E2%86%B5/Icon%E2%86%B5.rsrc/snd_25846_Shut%20Up%20Wesley.wav

Quoting @Gaelan: https://queer.party/@Gaelan/109678390656891402

Seems it was made after Jan 1996 as the CD drive has a manufacture date of then. The HD is 4Gb. #RetroComputing #VintageMac

@schlink Yeah Tarsnap is more a managed service versus DIY with restic. Colin Percival who runs Tarsnap is the ex-security officer of FreeBSD and wrote a paper describing spectre style side-channel attacks more than a decade before they were properly understood—so you’re in good hands with Tarsnap. I found it got a bit pricey for personal use so stopped using it a few years ago.

#RetroComputing #VintageMac


Is RUM needed for functions other than search?

> These keyboard controllers were known to have a number of undocumented commands, the details of which depended on the mainboard vendor. And most interestingly, since they were general-purpose microcontrollers and had spare capacity after handling the keyboard, the 8042 in practice served as more of a general-purpose embedded controller. The term "keyboard controller" is a misnomer in this way, and it would probably be more accurate to call it an "embedded controller," but that term wasn't yet in use in the mid '80s.

Original issue here: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/37939

This is what I have so far. Built with a tool called pan, which is implemented in #Nim but you write the animations in #Lua. It's pretty cool. https://github.com/liquidev/pan

The “holiday from open-source” is an interesting idea from the gotosocial folks:
We’re taking a little holiday
From 19 December to 02 January, we’re going to be closing shop. What this means:
We’ll make the Github repository read-only for those two weeks so no new issues or PRs can be opened (except by the core team, if they’re suddenly possessed by a fervor to work for some reason).
We’ll make the channels in the Matrix space read-only too, so you can still scroll through messages in the help channel, for example, but you won’t be able to post anything new there.
This will give us some time to chill out, see friends, do some knitting, play video games, and take some wintery walks. Sloths need breaks too!

#AdventOfCode day 9 went a lot smoother than day 8. Opted to use #Rust for this one—ahh the simple pleasure of controlled mutation. https://github.com/wezm/advent-of-code/blob/master/2022/src/bin/day9.rs

From the Tiny Glade game’s FAQ:
Any plans to support Linux / Mac? We will support Linux on release! For Mac, however, we are not sure yet. It will depend on how well the launch goes.
What a time to be alive! 🐧

Since Gleam only has a List type that is not optimised for index based access I implemented part 1 in a way that does not index into it and also pre-calculates the max values in each direction to avoid having to make repeated scans in all four directions.
When it came to part 2 I just did the index based scanning thing and it was a lot quicker to write and also still ran in well under half a second so definitely a case of premature optimisation on part 1.





https://github.com/wezm/advent-of-code/blob/master/2022/src/days/day_2.gleam #gleam

This year I'm attempting to implement the solutions in #gleam https://github.com/wezm/advent-of-code/blob/master/2022/src/days/day_1.gleam

@ekuber bad but also:
The ping process runs in a capability mode sandbox on all affected versions of FreeBSD and is thus very constrainted in how it can interact with the rest of the system at the point where the bug can occur.

@brion I am 100% on board with this approach and the project currently has no other JS deps but I think there’s more to this that it initially seems, hence wanting a lib that has dealt with things like:
- works on mobile (scales images, touch/swipe support, doesn’t go crazy when the page is zoomed
- keyboard navigation support
- visible alt text (like Twitter)
- prevent page behind from scrolling while visible
- dismiss when image is clicked or Esc pressed
- video support
- screen reader support

@lopta Yeah AWS have Mac instances (min 24 hours). There’s also others like Macstadium but I think that’s more a monthly arrangement.

I would like an app to use with Pleroma but I need it to do client side filtering of posts (so that I don’t see every reply the people I follow post). I thought I’d had a genius idea that I could patch one of the open-source Mastodon iOS apps. Opened up the metatext repo in Xcode and it doesn’t build because I can’t run the latest Xcode on my MBP 😢. Admittedly my MBP is almost 10 years old—it had a good run, but I have no plans of buying another Mac.

Time for an #introduction! (even though I’ve been on the fediverse since 2017).
I’m Wes, a software developer from Australia. I moved from Melbourne to the Sunshine Coast at the end of 2020 because I hate being cold.
I’m love coding in #Rust and am a serial project starter, sometimes project finisher 😬. I run readrust.net and blog at wezm.net
I’m a fan of #opensource and have been 100% in on desktop #Linux since 2017 after more than a decade on Mac OS X. I wrote about that journey on bitcannon.net. Also a #BSD observer but I seem to get deeper into Linux as the years go on.
I’m slowly trying to become an #rc airplane pilot and enjoy tinkering with hardware (microcontrollers etc) too.
I’m a recovering mechanical #keyboard collector. Most recently adopting a Keyboard.io Model 100.
I’ve self-hosted decentralised.social, a single user Pleroma instance since 2019.

Pleroma’s API responses include all posts by default and it’s super annoying. The web UI has an option to filter client side but Mastodon proper filters on the server.

You might already know about them but if not, Neovim has some features that can recover from these situations. There's undolist (https://neovim.io/doc/user/undo.html#%3Aundolist) for accessing the undo tree, but it's more easily used via https://github.com/mbbill/undotree. There's also https://neovim.io/doc/user/undo.html#undo-persistence for persisting the undo tree even after exiting.

Model 100 from Kailh Hush BOX Silent Pro Islet (tactile) to Gateron G Pro 2.0 Brown switches. The new ones are a lot clackier, quite a bit smoother, and a lot subtler as far as the tactile bump goes. Stem wobble seems about the same.

enum MoveError {

@schlink Really good write-up. Only bit I didn’t follow was the bit on error handling.
This seems the same as Rust except you didn’t have to declare the error type in the signature?
fn execute_player_move(this_move_position: usize, player_number: u8, board: [9]u8) ![9]u8
fn execute_player_move(this_move_position: usize, player_number: u8, board: [u8; 9]) -> Result<[u8; 9], MoveError>

Cool desktops don’t change by Tyler Cipriani https://tylercipriani.com/blog/2022/06/15/choose-boring-desktop-technology/

Everything Is Broken: Shipping rust-minidump at Mozilla - Part 1 https://hacks.mozilla.org/2022/06/everything-is-broken-shipping-rust-minidump-at-mozilla

Monitoring My Garage Door With a Raspberry Pi, Rust, and a 13Mb Linux System https://www.wezm.net/v2/posts/2022/garage-door-monitor/


but then they removed it:

“A second reason this is cool is that it's a step towards a Rust toolchain on Linux that doesn't depend on libc.”

(I had a lot of fun wading into the finer detail of emoji when I implemented support for reading emoji fonts and generating PDFs with them last year for work—https://www.princexml.com/)

I Can Text You A Pile of Poo, But I Can’t Write My Name (2015) https://modelviewculture.com/pieces/i-can-text-you-a-pile-of-poo-but-i-cant-write-my-name

It's built with #rust and Rocket
and is open-source too—see link in the footer.

Why apk-tools is different than other package managers by @ariadneconill https://ariadne.space/2021/04/25/why-apk-tools-is-different-than-other-package-managers/

The Insane Innovation of TI Calculator Hobbyists https://www.thirtythreeforty.net/posts/2021/10/ti-calculator-innovation/

The Speed of Time by Brendan Gregg https://www.brendangregg.com/blog/2021-09-26/the-speed-of-time.html

Using SIMD acceleration in Rust implementation of tac http://neosmart.net/blog/2021/using-simd-acceleration-in-rust-to-create-the-worlds-fastest-tac/

Curious why you not excited about Nim? I have no strong opinion except that when it comes to hosting third-party software I prefer running things that have a compiler that generates binaries involved (with a preference for Rust).

Deleted files get sent to the graveyard (/tmp/graveyard-$USER by default)


I also subscribed to your blog in the last couple of months (for BSD things I think) and have have been enjoying and been impressed by your post volume too. Perhaps Thomas was curious as I am, if you had any tips for being able to write so regularly?

I’m not affiliated with the project at all, just thought it was interesting. If you think there’s an problem it might be worth opening an issue on the repo

As an added bonus it's now a lot faster for me (and other Australians), since that's where my server is.

Currently X11 is the primary platform but some features work on other OSes.

> Ventoy creates a bootable USB drive for ISO/WIM/IMG/VHD(x)/EFI files.
With ventoy, you just copy the image files to the USB drive and boot it. You can copy many iso files at a time and ventoy will give you a boot menu to select them.

The SoC is actually an FPGA and the OS it runs is built with #Rust.
A Guided Tour of the Precursor System on Chip (SoC) https://www.crowdsupply.com/sutajio-kosagi/precursor/updates/a-guided-tour-of-the-precursor-system-on-chip-soc

Video in case you want to see the crashes https://youtu.be/eMfK1i0Ebr8

Come with me on a journey involving xargs, curl, jq, ffmpeg, pngcrush, and a couple of little custom built #Rust binaries. https://www.wezm.net/v2/posts/2020/turning-one-hundred-tweets-into-a-blog-post/


There also appears to be no way to pay for apps, or in app purchases. I'm a big believer in software sustainability, open-source or not, and not being able to compensate developers for their time is a bit of a deal breaker for me. 🤔

Fuelled by Apple’s recent uptick in hostility towards developers and general greediness I attempt to find an alternative smartphone platform I’d be happy to use. https://bitcannon.net/post/finding-an-alternative-to-ios/

It needs more space than I expected — at least when starting out. Choosing too small a space is why I crashed the first flight. I then went to a more open area and it was much better.

I derived mine from https://docs-develop.pleroma.social/backend/installation/alpine_linux_en/ there are instructions for a bunch of systems there.

Busted out the watt meter and hooked it up to my Ryzen box:
- Switched off it uses about 2.3W (USB is still powered)
- Idle (with Firefox open) it sits between 62.5~70.0
- Suspended: 2.6W — I probably should start suspending again to see if that amdgpu bug is fixed.
- Clean build of Prince varies between 165W up to 215W for the well parallelised bits (load average ~10.6)
- A Short Hike: 120W
- Factorio: 125W
- Transport Fever 2: 145W

espanso is a powerful, open-source text expansion tool implemented in Rust for Linux, macOS, and Windows.


Thanks for getting back to me.
I don’t actually know much about Haiku, but maybe that’s also indicative of the reasons
That’s interesting, especially coming from someone like you that appears to dabble quite a bit in OS related dev. Seems perhaps Haiku could benefit from wider awareness.
And no, SerenityOS is not Windows-inspired.
I was mostly think visually. I see a task bar and I think Windows 😁. My early computing experience was all Mac OS.

ktrl is heavily inspired by the amazing open-source keyboard firmware project QMK. You can think of ktrl as an attempt to re-implement QMK as a Linux daemon.
https://github.com/ItayGarin/ktrl #Rust


#Go #Golang

#Rust #GNOME

(The fact I never really used IRC may be showing here)

I tried Joplin but it was cluttered and clunky to use.

I shared feedback with my refund request and the person noted there is room for improvement with the mobile app.

SimpleNote appears to have no business model aside from being funded by Automattic, which I'm always wary of. StandardNotes has the benefit of open-source, encryption, and a business model.

Other apps like ImageOptim also have no Linux version.
Check out https://trimage.org/ it’s a decent alternative with a very similar user experience.

Over the years I’ve shared a few of your posts on Read Rust. Would you like the author attribution updated? https://readrust.net/search?q=QuietMisdreavus


He's also got a low traffic mailing list with updates and details on indie game developer life if it looks interesting. https://mailchi.mp/011bce332510/updates-from-mischka


The Eltanin userland appears to be permissively licensed (Unlicense) too.

- Up to date software (no Debian derivatives)
- Compact default install: I’ll install software I need. I don’t need a word processor etc. installed by default.
Alpine might be an option. My server runs it. Never tried it as a desktop.



It’s times like these I’m glad I build my Ryzen box:
11:24:08 up 3 days, 20:38, 1 user, load average: 29.87, 23.21, 12.18
Running a test were I subset ~60,000 fonts, then read each one back and check that it’s valid. ETA is about 10 mins.
fd '\.(ttf|otf|ttc)$' ~/Downloads/Font\ Collection | sort | parallel --bar ./subset-validate {} | tee subset-validate.txt


As a Rust dev/fan person I have a preference for Rust tools. The language eliminates classes of errors (like no nil) so I have more confidence in tools being more reliable. I’m also more readily able to contribute if the need/want arises.

Then I might look into making it possible to stream music off it with Polaris https://github.com/agersant/polaris

Today I am meeting the creator of CSS, Håkon Wium Lie who is a member of the board:
Wium Lie has also promoted the concept of printing from the web. The third edition of his book on CSS, co-authored with Bert Bos, was produced from HTML and CSS files. These files were then converted to PDF by the Prince HTML + CSS formatter. In 2005, he joined the board of YesLogic, the company that makes Prince.


Screenshot from 2020-02-17 09-0…



- Bedrock Linux post hijack of elementary
- Showing the version of Neovim in the elementary/Ubuntu repos vs. the one I installed from the Arch repos with pacman.
No VMs, no containers, all running together on the same system.
Screenshot from 2020-02-06 22-0…
Screenshot from 2020-02-06 22-5…


After 3 years going to give @elementary another try on my laptop (not my primary device). I’ve installed it alongside Void and Windows.
I’m toying with the idea of using Nix or pkgsrc to help manage the installation of up to date dev dependencies and preferred tools.






Docker's built-in docker image prune --all --filter until=… command serves a similar purpose. However, the built-in solution isn't ideal since it uses the image creation time, rather than the last usage time, to determine which images to remove. That means it can delete frequently used images, and these may take a long time to build.

ICE Tower CPU Cooling Fan for Raspberry Pi https://www.seeedstudio.com/ICE-Tower-CPU-Cooling-Fan-for-Raspberry-pi-Support-Pi-4-p-4097.html



Open-source software has a sustainability problem so I try to contribute back where I can. This post aims to encourage others to do the same if they are able, and to highlight interesting people and projects (many of them #Rust oriented).

Screenshot from 2019-12-14 14-5…

Most of the ones I’ve tried so far are quite end-user “stable” distro focussed and often discuss major upgrades, time things will take to make it to LTS distros, etc. — all stuff that I just don’t have to deal with on Arch and Void.


https://github.com/wezm/advent-of-code/blob/672b0964a103b0abcca662c1575d1e5064202ee6/2019/src/bin/day11.rs #AdventOfCode #Rust
Screenshot from 2019-12-11 22-1…

https://github.com/wezm/advent-of-code/blob/6b9f91c1008cfea65a029132b256733dd5613edb/2019/src/bin/day9.rs #AdventOfCode #Rust


Day 6: this one flowed pretty smoothly owing to having some prior experience with trees in Rust. https://github.com/wezm/advent-of-code/blob/master/2019/src/bin/day6.rs #AdventOfCode #Rust

Day 5: required a bit more up front work to refactor the Intcode computer, but after that was done it flowed pretty well. https://github.com/wezm/advent-of-code/blob/master/2019/src/bin/day5.rs (most of the code is in the new computer module) #AdventOfCode #Rust


OpenBSD login vulnerability that allows you to trivially bypass password. Has been there for some 18 odd years.
TL;DR didn’t sanitize usernames which could contain “-“ making them parse as options to the authentication program. Exploiting this, username “-schallenge:passwd” allowed silent auth bypass because the passwd backend doesn’t require a challenge.

https://github.com/wezm/advent-of-code/blob/master/2019/src/bin/day4.rs #AdventOfCode #Rust
Screenshot from 2019-12-04 21-1…

> This is the start of #1934. This branch puts the libcroco sources inside src/st/ and removes the meson dependencies for the external libcroco. I'll be replacing it with Rust code in an external module in other MRs.




Where Wayland in this case is sway

>Could be problematic with chips that don't have fast enough timers though.
Yes I suspect that's why it's not present. There's no issue in the repo currently, might be worth dropping one in.




> gcompat, a library which provides glibc-compatible APIs for use on musl libc systems. This library is designed to be used for binaries that are already compiled against glibc.







During the audit, ROS identified a critical vulnerability in the tmux integration feature of iTerm2; this vulnerability has been present in iTerm2 for at least 7 years.

@codewiz They tune everything for Intel CPUs. Software is build with a recent GCC with optimisations enabled for modern Intel CPUs. The drawback is that it’s less compatible that Ubuntu. The Clear installer has does a compatibility check before proceeding to make sure it will run on the target machine.
Clear Linux OS is highly tuned for Intel platforms Clear Linux OS optimizes across the whole stack: the platform, kernel, math libraries, middleware layers, frameworks, and runtime.


In the spirit of not breaking links/the Internet I've replaced it with a static archive of the content for posterity.

- Authentication
- Rendering/templates
- Database/ORM
- Session/cookies
You can do all those things but you have to work out how to hook them all up to your app and manage state (db connection pool, api clients, etc). All the while using futures 0.1 in an ecosystem that it moving to futures 0.3 and then async/await.
My existing Rust implementation is using actix but I was spending too much time on things that framework should handle for me.

Don't get me wrong I think the Rust web ecosystem will get there. It's just all a bit in flux at the moment.

It's not that I need the performance per-se but I feel that there is extra effort using Rust for web dev at the moment and if it's not giving me the performance it's worth considering other options, which I did.

As a replacement I started porting it to Lucky, which is written in Crystal. As a past Rubyist with plenty of Rails experience it feels familiar but with strong types and a compiler generating performance native code to back it up.

free software, dual licensed under MIT and Apache 2.0.
https://www.drone-os.com #Rust

Can’t recommend the fnm (fast node manager) tool enough. It’s a single, fast native binary with zero runtime dependencies (fully statically linked) so it works on all distros, even musl libc based ones. https://github.com/Schniz/fnm #nodejs

I went through the Svelte Tutorial this morning. I like that there is a complier that generates efficient JS from the input. The built-in animation and transition support looks great too.
Not so much a fan of the additional syntax and sigils. I get that they’re needed for the compiler but it feels a bit noisy and adhoc. Syntax is a minor detail that I try not to put much weight on though. Still not sure I’d choose it over Reason React for a new project. #js

For a few years I upgraded my iPhone every year — I like new tech and I put aside the funds in my budget. I didn’t upgrade last year though and don’t think I will this year. The non-Pro makes the most sense for me but has several compromises compared to the iPhone X it would replace:
- No OLED display
- Larger physical dimensions
No 2x lens
- The wide angle one would be nice but I would miss the 2x one for zooming in on detail.
No 3D Touch
- I use this a lot for cursor positioning


10. MacBook
8/9. MateBook
7. XPS 15
5. Thinkpad T470s


The single user thing is a bit of a drawback.

Screenshot from 2019-09-08 17-1…

https://linkedlist.org/alpine-linux-kvm-graphical-guest #linux


Note that it does have the "annoying sound" described in this post but Olimex have sent me the capacitor that can be used to fix it (if you're up to soldering it onto the board) https://olimex.wordpress.com/2017/11/03/teres-i-update-first-feedback-from-our-customers/

In which I describe the tool I'm writing to compile packages from the ports tree for my Untitled Linux Distribution.



I’m selling my Eve V 2-in1 computer and some keyboards in case anyone is interested.



NVIDIA has released public, freely available (MIT licensed) documentation of portions of its GPU hardware interface. This is a work in progress; not all interfaces have been published.

Technical vision for Qt 6. Re: QML
Introduce strong typing. Weak typing makes it hard for our users to apply large changes to their codebases. [..] Also, we will be able to generate much better-performing code and reduce overhead.
Make JavaScript an optional feature of QML. Having a full JavaScript engine when using QML can complicate things and is an overhead…



- The Decentraleyes extension for Firefox https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/decentraleyes/?src=featured
- setting security.cert_pinning.enforcement_level to 2 via https://groups.google.com/d/msg/mozilla.dev.security.policy/wnuKAhACo3E/cbxRVMkxDwAJ

I think I’ll use rsign2 to sign binaries I publish in the future.
- https://www.openbsd.org/papers/bsdcan-signify.html
- https://jedisct1.github.io/minisign/
- jedisct1/rsign2: A command-line tool to sign files and verify signatures in pure Rust.
#OpenBSD #Rust

Spectre Mitigation Performance Impact Benchmarks On AMD Ryzen 3700X / 3900X Against Intel https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=amd-zen2-spectre&num=1

Back to work. Was relatively productive weekend:
- Fixed some bugs in my stenography engine and added Mac OS CI
- Built a small tool to upload build artefacts from CI to S3
- Updated to Pleroma 1.0.1
- Added a favicon to desktop.institute
- Updated the home page and projects page on wezm.net
- Set up a VM with 4K graphics for testing KDE (and found and reported some bugs in the arch installer script I was using to make the process faster)


This type of thing is part of the reason why we’ve been building a new font parsing and shaping library in Rust for Prince. https://honk.tedunangst.com/u/tedu/h/74V5P31245J81nZ4hy

Raspberry Pi 4 B+ - PCI Express http://mloduchowski.com/en/blog/raspberry-pi-4-b-pci-express/



In this post I talk about values, then describe some concrete desired features, and finally some personal preferences.

Screenshot from 2019-07-06 08-4…

@farhan I think that if you saw an interface like that in any other software project it would be considered a bad design and definitely not following the single responsibility principle. It not bad per-se — it works after all. It just does too much and is a bit of a dumping ground (junk drawer) for functionality.



See also:
- https://www.kithop.ca/2018/12/13/updating-mastodon-under-freebsd-12-0-release/
- https://www.myconan.net/blog/posts/4478/


On the Road to Fedora Workstation 31 — Christian F.K. Schaller https://blogs.gnome.org/uraeus/2019/06/24/on-the-road-to-fedora-workstation-31/


[Photos] Tokyo Mechanical Keyboard Meetup Vol.6 http://romly.com/archives/2019/05/tokyomk6_en.html #keyboard

Overall I think there’s still too many steps. My ideal would be: download code, compile, upload binary.
